Shaddock Drive Winter Garden FL is a long road with few homes on it. Shaddock Drive extends from east to west in the southern portion of this neighborhood. It runs parallel to Porter Road to the south and has 3 roads connecting it to Porter Rd.
Shaddock Drive in Winter Garden FL measures 1,272 feet in length. It connects to many other streets and alleys which run north and south. However, this road has only 5 traditional single-family homes using it for an address. These homes are within 4 minutes or less of the amenities center, pool, playground etc.
The 5 homes were built in 2018 and 2019. They vary in size from 2,066 sf up to 3,103 sf of living area. There are no 5 bedroom homes here but no home has fewer than 3 bedrooms. The average lot size is .14 acre which is typical for this community. Below are similar homes nearby Shaddock Dr, Winter Garden FL.
Orange Cream Aly | Shonan Gold Dr