Island Pointe Dr Winter Garden FL is the namesake of this community and goes right through the middle of it. There are 4 streets used for address purposes in this neighborhood and this is the third longest. It is the main thoroughfare for some residents but the community is small enough it still gets minimal traffic.
Island Pointe Dr in Winter Garden FL is just over 915 feet long. This road extends from west to east and has only slight twists and turns on it. The western end begins on N Fullers Cross Road and the eastern end is where this street abuts Sadie Lane.
From this street and the community entrance shown above it is only 1.6 miles to the downtown area of the city. Newton Park (lakefront) and Chapin Station are both awesome local parks and within 1 mile.
Yes there are only 12 homes on this street that use it for a home address. These houses are traditional single family homes. The first one was built in 2000 and the final home was completed in 2006. Below you will see the available houses on or nearby Island Pointe Drive, Winter Garden FL.